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Private Equity

According to Chambers Bowmans is renowned for its bench of skilled private equity lawyers with experience covering fund formation and transactions

  • Overview
  • Significant Matters

Our geographical footprint and independence place us in an excellent position to assist private equity funds navigate the complexities of investing on the continent.

We provide bespoke upstream and downstream services to the private equity sector in Africa. Members of our team have advised on some of the largest private equity transactions undertaken in the region to date and have been involved in the formation of a number of Africa-focused private equity funds.

Fund formation

We specialise in structuring and forming private equity funds whose geographic mandate is focused within Africa. We have extensive experience in representing both private equity houses and limited partners. We devise bespoke structures that meet the needs of investors, and take into account the nature of the instruments and the industries in which the funds will invest.

We assist in selecting the appropriate jurisdiction for the domicile of the fund from a tax and legal perspective, in structuring carried interest plans and in drafting and negotiating fund agreements. We also provide exchange control advice and assist in obtaining the requisite approvals (for South African investors and funds).

We help clients obtain the regulatory licences and approvals required to act as fund managers.

Acquisitions and exits

We have a long history of advising private equity funds on all aspects of their mergers and acquisitions activity. We are commercial in our approach and innovative in finding solutions that balance the needs of different interest groups.

On acquisition we assist with due diligence, structuring, drafting and negotiating acquisition documents and obtaining regulatory (including competition) approvals. We also assist with management incentive arrangements and negotiating financing agreements.

Our deep experience helps us create solutions to shareholder issues and to craft shareholders agreements that protect the interests of different stakeholders in portfolio companies while optimising exit opportunities.

We have been involved on the exit side in numerous auction processes, proprietary sales and IPOs and look to assist our clients achieve a clean exit that minimises post-transaction liability and maximises value for all.

Our clients range from private equity and venture capital houses to investors, management, banks and financial institutions, throughout Africa and worldwide.

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